What is my LINK internship?

My LINK internship is going to be incorporated with a medical internship/teaching program called RMEC (Resources for Medical Education and Collaboration). The idea of this program is to provide medical education and collaboration to advance evidence based medicine and to improve health care quality. The reason I'm going into this program for my internship is that I want to go into medical research and cardiology. The people that run RMEC assembled a specific program that fits me. I will be working with a spine surgeon and working with spine and orthopedic study.


Zachary A. Dowd

Objective: Cardiology Bio engineering

-Multnomah Gifted Magnet Elementary School-Los Angeles, CA 2001-2006
-Escalante Middle School- Durango, CO 2006-2009
-Animas High School- Durango, CO 2009-Present

-Technology skills- Microsoft Office skills
-Photoshop skills
